JULY 2024
The Appleton area is extremely fortunate to have in our community an outstanding place where veterans can learn to deal with the physical and emotional challenges of PTSD through the use of music, specifically, guitars.
Guitars 4 Vets is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing relief to struggling veterans through the healing power of music and community. They are a nationwide organization with community chapters, supporting veterans who are finding challenges with dealing with PTSD. The organization assist veterans in learning how to play guitar and write songs as a way of coping with the stressors of daily life.
How does the program work?
Weekly guitar lessons are provided by volunteers. Lessons are individualized and designed to help students learn at their own pace. Enrolled Veterans receive 10 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙤𝙣-𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙨, learning to play the music they like to listen to.
Once you "graduate" or finish your lessons, you receive your own guitar and gear kit (all the equipment you need to keep the riffs rolling), all of this is provided by the organization 𝑭𝑹𝑬𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑬 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒏.
Monthly group sessions are organized at each chapter to provide Veterans a communal atmosphere to talk and continue to play music with peers who have shared similar experiences. In G4V group sessions, the connection created between individuals who are both warriors AND guitar players serves as a catalyst for positive human interaction.
Veterans who regularly attend group sessions build confidence to further pursue creative self-expression and engagement within their communities.
Some G4V graduates and group session attendees even go on to perform at local fundraisers and teach guitar lessons in their local G4V chapter.
In the photos below, our Appleton Amercian Legion Post 38, 1st Vice Jarrod Coulter is playing at the Appleton Farmer's Market held on June 29th! (Jarrod is the cool dude wearing the shades
For information on the Guitars for Vets organization and how you can either donate or enroll as a veteran wanting to participate in the program, please visit here:
JUNE 2024
Disposal of Unserviceable Flag Ceremony
June 14, 2024
On Friday, June 14, 2024, the Appleton American Legion Post 38 hosted a Flag Day retirement ceremony onboard the Post grounds.
Like many American Legion Posts around the nation, Flag Day retirement ceremonies are called Disposal of Unserviceable Flag Ceremonies. The ceremony itself is usually held in the evening and they maintain a reverent decorum. The flag(s) is properly folded before they are burned.
The ceremony also includes, presentation of the colors, Pledge of Allegiance, and the singing of the National Anthem.
MAY 2024
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2024
The Appleton American Legion Post 38 would like to extend a heartfelt "Thank You" to the men and women of the Scarlet Guard Color Guard who provided an exceptional showing of honor and respect to the veterans who are no longer with us. In recognition of the Memorial Day holiday, a moment of remembrance was recognized at two cemeteries in the City of Appleton on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
Members of the Scarlet Guard Color Guard [American Legion] Color Guard, the Appleton American Legion Post 38, and the Appleton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2778 assembled to perform the somber salutes at: Moses Montefiore Cemetery and at St. Mary Cemetery.
Both ceremonies included the traditional placing of memorial wreaths, with a recital of a short prayer or tribute, a rifle volley, and the playing of Taps. The Scarlet Guard Color Guard Color Guard was so honored to have so many in attendance; and the Appleton American Legion Post 38 would like to thank all who came out to support this time-honored event of paying respect to veterans who made sacrifices on behalf of this great nation.
APRIL 2024
A heatfelt "thank you" to all those who came out on our opening day of our annual Wednesday Brat Fry! It was great seeing so many smiling faces and the weather cooperated. Can't wait to see what the future brings!

********************************************************************************************************************************JANUARY 2024
UPDATE: American Legion Post 38 is proud to announce that Ms. Wood won for the 9th District! She will continue on to represent our Post at future competions. Congratulations Jade! The Post 38 family is so proud of you.
The Appleton American Legion Post No. 38 held its annual oratorical on Wednesday, January 3. Miss Jade Wood is this year's winner! She is a student at Appleton North High School. Our runner up is JJ VanderLoop from Xavier. Congratulations Jade and good luck at the next level of competition.

Photos: Post 38 Commander Mr. Ed Domek with the 2024 Oratorical Winner Jade Wood and Runner up JJ VanderLooop
On Saturday, December 16, 2023, the Appleton American Legion Post No. 38 hosted our annual Breakfast with Santa. This year's turnout was amazing and we want to thank all of those who came out to make this day as special for the staff as it did for the children present.
Furthermore, major kudos to all the Legion Family members who helped in making yesterday's event a huge success.
On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the whole American Legion Family (Post 38, Unit 38 Auxiliary, Legion Riders, Scarlet Guard) gathered together and marched in the annual Appleton Christmas Parade.
This tradition has been a long-standing one and Appleton American Legion Post No. 38 and the whole Legion family presented a unified front, with our very own Scarlet Guard Color Guard guiding us along the way. (The only thing missing was someone with a glowing red nose
While the weather was chilly, our hearts were filled with warmth and gratitude for all those who attended the event and those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Your commit is extremely admirable.
The family of George C. Arts received his medal during a ceremony Saturday, November 11, 2023, as part of the Fox Valley Veterans Council’s Veterans Day tribute. The event held at the Outagamie County Court House, was themed "Chevron to Heart” focusing on the meaning of the Wounded Chevron and the Purple Heart.
The special Veterans Day presentation of the Purple Heart was made to the family of Arts who served in WWI, in the Red Arrow, 32nd Division. Arts was severely wounded in combat; he came home to make a life but eventually succumbed to his injuries and died at the young age of 35. At the time of his death, Arts never received his Purple Heart.
Through the efforts of the Fox Valley Veterans Council and Rep. Mike Gallagher’s office, the family was presented with Arts Purple Heart medal at the ceremony.

Veterans and their families were treated to free chili provided by the Unit 38 Auxiliary and free beer was provided by Post 38.
We had a great turnout from the American Legion Family and all in attendance had an enjoyable time. A heartfelt "Thank You" to all that participated in the event and to Unit 38 members who served a delicious meal for all.

On Wednesday, November 9, 2023, Appleton American Legion Post No. 38 Commander (Ed Domek), Chaplain (Bob Johnson), and Vice Commander (Jan Hoffman) with assistance from Pedro Moreno, of Valley Packaging Incorporated (VPI), gave a "Veterans Presentation" with a background on their personal military history.
Mr. Domek spoke about being drafted and his service in Vietnam; Mr. Johnson spoke about his service and life onboard the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal CV-59, showing his sea bag, uniform and red jersey worn on the flight deck. Mr. Hoffman spoke about being Airborne qualified and showed a video of the 82nd Airborne jumping.
Thank you, gentlemen, for representing your respective services and for representing Post 38.

On Monday, November 6, 2023, Appleton American Legion Post No. 38, had the privilege of recognizing some of our members by presenting them with their Continued Service Awards.
This award recognizes those members who have continually served in our Post 38, and in the American Legion.
The following members were in attendance at Monday's meeting and received their Certificate of Continued Service by Post Commander, Mr. Ed Domek.
Noel Vernon - 5 years
Eric Jones - 10 years
Wade VanRyzin - 10 years
Fred Stennis - 15 years
Carl Abendroth - 30 years
Kenneth Coenen - 35 years
Give these individuals a hearty congratulations as they continue to serve our community and our veterans.
On Monday, November 6, 2023, our own Adjutant Dave Baumann received his 10-year Service award as a member of the Sons of the American Legion (SAL).
For those unfamiliar with this aspect of the American Legion Family, the Sons of the American Legion are males whose parents are grandparents served in the US military and were eligible for American Legion membership.
To learn more about this program, or if you feel you may be eligible for such membership, please visit here:
You can also contact Allen Watry, SAL Department Commander/WI Squadron 38 Adjutant at
Have you ever heard of the Red Hat Society? They are a group of women who put a positive spin on life. Recently, this group of fun-loving ladies held their meeting at the Appleton American Legion Post No. 38, on Saturday, November 4th. The Legion's own Frank Billings addressed the group.
Per their website, the "Red Hat Society...stress the importance of friendship and sisterhood, and the value of recess (play) into our busy lives. Today, hatters are commonly seen frolicking and embracing life to the fullest wearing the now famous symbol – a red or pink hat and purple and lavender regalia."
Thank you, ladies, for sharing your zeal and zest for life! To learn more about the Red Hat Society or to become a "Red Hatter" visit here to find your local chapter:
What a nice turn out for our meeting on October 2, 2023. A sincere "Thank you" for those who attended the meeting and a heartfelt thank you of sincere gratitude for the Post Everlasting Ceremony participants. Below are some highlights from the evening.

Thank you to all who came out on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, and supported our fundraiser for the Old Glory Honor Flight, Appleton.
Your generosity helped us surpass last year’s amount by over $500, for a total of $6,516!!! What an accomplishment and it could not have happened without all our faithful patrons and businesses who supported this fundraising event.
Additionally, we also want to thank all of those who spent countless hours putting this fundraising event together, those who dedicated their time and talents in ensuring this went off without a hitch and most of all those wonderful cooks who provided all with deliciously prepared food. Outstanding job!!
The funds raised will be presented at an official meeting in the weeks to come.
Again, thank you from the Appleton American Legion, Post 38 family!
To learn more about this worthwhile organization and how it supports our veterans, please visit here: Old Glory Honor Flight, Inc
JUNE 2023
JUNE 10, 2023
In addition to our Post, we had Legion family marchers representing Department, and the Black Creek and Kimberly American Legion families. Thank you to ALL came out and joined us in the time-honored event.
Cermonial first pitch, american legion leadership
june 8, 2023
On June 8, 2023, members of the American Legion leadership threw out the ceremonial first pitch at our beautifully landscaped Don Hawkins Baseball Field. It was a beautiful day and fun was had by all in attendance.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 38 President
Linda Breitzman
American Legion Riders District 9 President
Paul Heit
Sons of The American Legion WI Squadron 38 Adjutant
Allen Watry
American Legion Post 38 Commander
Ed Domek
Additional photos can be viewed in our Photo Gallery under Ceremonial First Pitch 2023.

installation of new officers
june 5, 2023
During the May 2023 Post 38 meeting, the following individuals were elected to the positions listed below. Their installation occurred on Monday, June 5, 2023. Congratulations to these members for their willingness to serve our Appleton American Legion Post 38 and our areas’ veterans.
Adjutant: Dave Baumann
Chaplain: Bob Johnson
Members at Large: Vernon Noel and Eric Jones

MAY 2023
Monday, May 29, 2023
On Monday, May 29, 2023, our very own Scarlet Guard Color Guard made the ABC nightly news during its "America Strong" segment. They were highlighted for their participation in Memorial Day events across the nation.
The Scarlet Guard Color Guard was highlighted for their participation in the Appleton Cemetary Veteran Salute Tour honoring our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen at Cemetaries across the Appleton area.
There is no greater honor than to recognize those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedoms and our Scarlet Guard continually rises to the occasion paying tribute and honoring our fallen loved ones.
Our sincerest thanks and appreciation to those who serve in our Scarlet Guard Color Guard, headed by Eric Stadler.
(The Scarlet Guard is seen marching in the traditional blue uniform with the scarlet (red) berets, parading the colors. The video of them begins at 0:41 seconds)

Congratulations are in order to Migeal Babino, who recently received this Award of Appreciation for spearheading the long and tedious job of Club 38's kitchen remodeling job.
As a result of his unfailing efforts, coordination with several area contractors, and steadfast commitment to Post 38, his efforts resulted in a facility that will long be able to serve our most valuable assets - our customers!
Migeal is Third Vice for 9th District and is also Vice Commander.
Again, congratulations Migeal on a job well done!

APRIL 2023
APRIL 8, 2023
Thank you to everyone who showed up on Saturday, April 8, 2023, for Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and our annual Easter Egg Hunt.
Our event could not have been this successful without all the wonderful people who showed up and participated.
A heartfelt “thank you” is also in store for our staff and volunteers who worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Without their assistance, Post 38 would not be able to host such events.
April 2, 2023
On Sunday, April 2, 2023, Appleton American Legion Post No. 38 hosted Crossroads Productions Inspirational Concert, along with a delicious Broasted Chicken buffet. This event was a huge success and all those in attendance were surely uplifted by music and song. Here are some highlights from that event.
February 2023
Our very own winner whom Appleton American Legion Post No. 38 sponsored, Mya Koffie is the winner of Wisconsin Oratorical Contest. She represented the 9th District and participated in the State Oratorical Contest held on February 11, 2023 at Ripon College.
Mya will continue her journey and will represent Wisconsin at the National Oratorical Contest in Indianapolis April 21-23, 2023.
Congratulations to Ms. Koffie on her outstanding accomplishments and we wish her the very best at Nationals.

Pictured: Oratorical Winner Ms. Mya Koffie, Wisconsin Auxiliary President Linda Coppock, Wisconsin American Legion Commander Julie Muhle, and Oratorical Chair Robert Stone.

Ed Domek, Post 38 Commander; Allen J. Watry, SAL Squadron 38 Adjutant; Linda Coppock, Wisconsin Auxiliary President; Mya Koffie, Appleton North High School; Julie Muhle, Wisconsin Department Commander; Migeal Babino, Outagamie County Commander and Debbie Thomas, 9th District Commander
On Monday, February 6, 2023, Appleton American Legion Post 38 held its Four Chaplains Ceremony in remembrance of four Army chaplains who acted in the spirit of heroic sacrifice and humanitarianism onboard the U.S.A.T Dorchester as she sank to her watery grave.
The four Chaplains were onboard the ship were; Reverend George L. Fox of the Methodist faith, Jewish Rabbi Alexander D. Goode, Father John P. Washington of the Catholic faith, and Reverend Clark V. Poling from the Dutch Reformed Church. Witnesses to their heroic acts remember their unfailing courage, comforting support, and prayers for the many distressed individuals onboard. As the ship was sinking, these men of faith offered their own life jackets so others could be saved. They epitomized their oath of service to both God and country.
Post 38 had the honor of hosting Wisconsin Department Commander Julie Muhle, 9th District Commander, Debbie Thomas, and Wisconsin Auxiliary President Linda Coppock to witness and to support our Post in honoring such gallant bravery.
Also, in attendance and providing ceremonial support was our own, Scarlet Guard American Legion Color Guard, with Eric Stadler as the chairperson.
Video of the Scarlet Guard can be viewed on our Facebook page:

January 2023
A heartfelt “Thank You” to all those who purchased tickets for our Holiday Cash Raffle. This year we were able to raise $8,190.
Your support of this event will assist us in providing scholarships to high school students; aid in assisting veterans in need, support Honor Flights; support youth baseball and will help in keeping Post 38 a vibrant place for those who want to share in fellowship, food and fun.
The lucky winners of this year’s raffle are:
1st Prize Winner: Larry Burger
2nd Prize Winner: Joe Miller
3rd Prize Winner: Jarrod Coulter
Congratulations to our winners and what an exciting way to start the new year.
Winners listed above with First Vice, Jan Hoffman <div style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; width: 1187.36px; break-after: page; padding: 0px !important; background-image: url(" https:="""" ckeditor_4.3.1_full="" plugins="" pagebreak="" images="" pagebreak.gif?t="DBAA")" !important;="" background-position:="" center="" background-size:="" initial="" background-repeat:="" no-repeat="" background-attachment:="" background-origin:="" background-clip:="" clear:="" both="" border-top:="" 1px="" dotted="" rgb(153,="" 153,="" 153)="" border-bottom:="" height:="" 5px="" cursor:="" default="" !important;"="">
Post 38 Commander and 9th District Representative, Migeal Babino
Page Updated: 23 SEPTEMBER 2024